Sallie Schneider, Ph.D. | Director of Histology, HistoSpring

Sallie Schneider, Ph.D.

Director of Histology

Fun Fact

Sallie loves working with light and color. In her free time she loves working with glass (stained glass, fused glass, mosaic glass art) and on cyanotypes.


Dr. Sallie Schneider leads the histology and tissue acquisition operations at HistoSpring where she oversees team interactions between pathologists, surgeons, clinical research staff and technicians. She caters her approach to understand each clients’ projects so that their individual needs are met.

With over 25 years of experience, Sallie’s proficiency and knowledge in IHC, H&E and cell culture has played a vital role in solving solutions for clinical research projects.

The growing need for effective therapies has led to an increased demand for Sallie’s expertise on new antibody research, analysis, and validation– where she and her team help optimize antigen retrieval and dilutions for specific antibodies on tissues of interest to help pinpoint novel treatment options.
Sallie has led several research projects including understanding the impact of demographics and other factors, such as obesity, mammographic density, environmental exposures, and parity-induced breast changes on breast cancer susceptibility. Additionally, Sallie’s interest in Wnt and cytokine mediated signaling between different cell types has led to enhanced understanding of critical communications regulating cancer progression. To date, she has overseen the collection of large numbers of human breast tissues to assist in these studies and to foster collaborative research with other labs.
She has authored 73 manuscripts and 7 book chapters and mentors students as an Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery, UMass Chan Medical School – Baystate and as an Adjunct Assistant Professor, Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

B.A., Biology, Skidmore College
Ph.D., Immunology, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Postdoctoral Experience
Signaling, Harvard Medical School

  • Excellence in Research Mentorship Award for Baystate Health
  • Glenn Sneoyenbous Award, Graduate Dissertation Research
  • Donald W. Pyle Award, Undergraduate Thesis Research